Colored console on Windows

Michael Hudson mwh at
Mon Nov 26 07:15:34 EST 2001

Fernando PĂ©rez <fperez528 at> writes:

> Michael Hudson wrote:
> >> quick question: does your readline module handle multi-line edits? That is,
> >> if I have a multi-line statement, does it bring it back as a single
> >> editable entity (which would be great) or as the 'real' readline does, as a
> >> series of single-line statements (clumsy).
> > 
> > My pyrepl package
> > 
> >
> > 
> > does that.  It's unix only, and a bit rough around the edges.  I have
> > a new version sat on my irritatingly internet-disconnected home box
> > which I'll release as soon as I remember to stick it on a floppy and
> > bring it in to the department.

Argh!  Tomorrow, maybe.

> I actually have your module in mind for a project of mine, but
> haven't used it yet. Why is it unix-only, though?

Because it uses lots & lots of termios stuff, to move the cursor
around and such.  It might work under cygwin, I guess.

> My project is currently unix-only also but I'd like to offer MS
> people readline-type support and was hoping that your module would
> help in that respect.

Well, I have an NT machine to play around on now.  I think it ought to
be possible to get the new version up and running using the effbot's
Console library, as I've tried to factor out the platform dependent
stuff (although I won't know if I've succeeded until I try it).


  ZAPHOD:  Listen three eyes, don't try to outwierd me, I get stranger
           things than you free with my breakfast cereal.
                    -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 7

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