application scripting

Keith Ray k1e2i3t4h5r6a7y at 1m2a3c4.5c6o7m
Wed Nov 21 12:51:05 EST 2001


AppleScript is the only ScriptingArchitecture that I know about that 
allows recording. An application is recordable when all (or most) 
user-interface handling results in the generation of one or more 
AppleEvents, which are directly routed to the application itself for 
execution. The AppleScript system can record these AppleEvents in a 
script, which the user can then edit. This can be a very user-friendly 
way for a user to start scripting, but of the relatively few 
applications that support AppleScript, even fewer support recordability. 

Mac Applications that are scriptable, but not recordable, have an 
architecture something like this: 

[GUI] -> commands -> [Model] <- commands <- [ScriptEngine]
                         Scripts or AppleEvents --^

but recordable applications have an architecture like this: 

[GUI] -> AppleEvents -> [ScriptEngine] -> commands -> [Model]
  Scripts or AppleEvents --^


Can anyone describe how recordability would be implemented in a C++ 
application with (embedded) Python? 

Would a Python-embedded application have to generate Python source code, 
to implement the recordability pattern shown above?

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