list.remove for Novices

Arthur Siegel ajs at
Sun Nov 25 13:19:44 EST 2001

I see that my -
>>>foo = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>>for bar in foo:
...        foo.remove(bar)

issue which I ran into trying to follow suggestions for
my permutations problem was addressed beginning

<mailman.1002041942.4167.python-list at>

But damn it to hell. Even when I try to be a normal Python
guy, and just post up "technical" problems, I get into- 
or raise - issues/controversary.

Because I am being asked to accept that the list.remove
behavior is somehow apparent - rather than a true
trap for the novice.  At the same time I'm being told
that I can't be expected to be able to  handle 1/4=0 - 
though that behavior is clearly documented and 
shared with many other languages.

Wish I could be hooked up to electrodes which
would read-out the *real* issues a novice faces
with Python.  Because I have to accept that the
desire to address those issues is real, just often
being based on misinformation.


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