Still on python GUI toolkit

Fernando PĂ©rez fperez528 at
Mon Nov 19 12:43:22 EST 2001

Laurent Pointal wrote:
>                 GUI in Java
>                     |
>   CORBA ORB for Java (OpenORB or other)
>                     |
>                     |
>                     |
>      CORBA ORB for Python (omniORBpy)
>                     |
>               scripting and
>            processing in Python

Just curious: why the extra Java layers? Naively I'd have the impression that 
from within python alone you can easily do the top part of your diagram 
without needing Java. One more language adds overhead both of execution and 
development/maintenance. I'm sure you guys have very good reasons for what 
you're doing but I'm curious. Is it that the currently available gui toolkits 
are that inferior to swing to justify the extra complexity? Or do you have 
other reasons?



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