bg and fg

Michael Hudson mwh at
Tue Nov 6 05:21:15 EST 2001

barry at (Barry A. Warsaw) writes:

> >>>>> "NF" == Nicholas FitzRoy-Dale <wzdd at> writes:
>     NF> On my system, "man 2 setsid" gives a useful, if terse,
>     NF> definition of setsid(). This was useful to me six months ago
>     NF> when I ran across exactly the same problem (wanted to write a
>     NF> daemon) and didn't understand what setsid() did. :)
> Anybody who wants to write a proper Unix daemon should read Stevens,
> Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, Chapter 13.  Actually,
> if you're doing any amount of sophisticated Unix programming, with
> Python or otherwise (yeah, right :), then the Stevens books are
> absolutely indispensible, IMHO.

And Python is a very nice language for playing about with the
functions Stevens is discussing, for the most part (i.e. except
signals).  Certainly nicer than C.


  First time I've gotten a programming job that required a drug
  test.  I was worried they were going to say "you don't have
  enough LSD in your system to do Unix programming".   -- Paul Tomblin

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