FW: [wxPython] How to trigger EVT_SIZE from external source?

Keith Farmer kfarmer at thuban.org
Mon Nov 26 04:07:34 EST 2001

Working in Win32...

I'm trying to find a message id which wxPython would accept from an
external source, which I can use as a callback message for an event
which would be passed by the OS. I can tell the OS the window handle
(referring to a subclass of wxFrame) and the message id to use, but so
far, no message id I've specified (including wxEVT_SIZE) triggers the

How would I go about finding a message id which the OS could pass to the
window, and make sure the window is able to receive and act upon this

I've included the source code as it stands now for reference. The
message id gets assigned to abd.uCallbackMessage in the Dock() function.
Based on my testing to date, the values for abd are passed correctly to
the system -- I'm just wanting to make sure if (1) what I'm seeking is
possible, (2) if so, what my error is. I'd rather not try to tackle

Keith J. Farmer
kfarmer at thuban.org

from wxPython.wx import *
import shellapi, PyAppBar, win32api, win32con

class AppBarFrame(wxFrame):
 edges = (shellapi.ABE_TOP, shellapi.ABE_LEFT, shellapi.ABE_RIGHT,

 def __init__(self):
  wxFrame.__init__(self, None, -1, "", style=wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW |
  self.SetSize((1024, 100))
  self.n_edge = 0
  self.IsDocked = 0
  self.hWnd = self.GetHandle()
  EVT_LEFT_DOWN(self, self.OnClick)
  EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(self, self.OnChange)
  EVT_SIZE(self, self.OnSize)

 def OnClick(self, evt):
  print "OnClick()"

 def OnSize(self, evt):
  print "OnSize()"

 def OnChange(self, evt):
  print "OnChange()"
  self.n_edge = (self.n_edge + 1) % 4

 def ReDock(self, evt):
  print "ReDock()"

 def CurrEdge(self):
  result = self.edges[self.n_edge]
  if result == shellapi.ABE_BOTTOM:
   side = "Bottom"
  elif result == shellapi.ABE_LEFT:
   side = "Left"
  elif result == shellapi.ABE_RIGHT:
   side = "Right"
  elif result == shellapi.ABE_TOP:
   side = "Top"
  print "CurrEdge(): n_edge = %s -> %s" % (self.n_edge, side)
  return self.edges[self.n_edge]

 def UnDock(self):
  print "UnDocking...",
  rect = self.GetRect()
  abd = PyAppBar.AppBarData()
  abd.hWnd = self.hWnd
  abd.uEdge = self.CurrEdge()
  (abd.rc.left, abd.rc.top, abd.rc.right, abd.rc.bottom) = (rect.GetLeft(),
rect.GetTop(), rect.GetRight(), rect.GetBottom())
  PyAppBar.SHAppBarMessage(shellapi.ABM_REMOVE, abd)
  self.IsDocked = 0
  print "done"

 def Dock(self):
  print "Docking...",
  rect = self.GetRect()

  abd = PyAppBar.AppBarData()
  abd.hWnd = self.hWnd
  abd.uEdge = self.CurrEdge()
  (abd.rc.left, abd.rc.top, abd.rc.right, abd.rc.bottom) = (rect.GetLeft(),
rect.GetTop(), rect.GetRight(), rect.GetBottom())
  abd.uCallbackMessage = wxEVT_SIZE

  if (PyAppBar.SHAppBarMessage(shellapi.ABM_NEW, abd) == 0):
   print "Failed to register"
   return 0

  self.IsDocked = 1
  print "done"
  return 1

 def AppBarQueryPos(self, abd):
  print "Querying Position...",
  iHeight = 100;
  iWidth = 100;
  screenX = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CXSCREEN)
  screenY = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CYSCREEN)
  print "screenX, Y = %s, %s" % (screenX, screenY)

  # Copy the screen coordinates of the appbar's bounding
  # rectangle into the APPBARDATA structure.
  abd.rc.top = 0
  abd.rc.bottom = screenY
  abd.rc.left = 0
  abd.rc.right = screenX

  if (abd.uEdge == shellapi.ABE_LEFT):
   abd.rc.right = abd.rc.left + iWidth
  elif (abd.uEdge == shellapi.ABE_RIGHT):
   abd.rc.right = screenX
   abd.rc.left = abd.rc.right - iWidth
  elif (abd.uEdge == shellapi.ABE_TOP):
   abd.rc.bottom = abd.rc.top + iHeight
  elif (abd.uEdge == shellapi.ABE_BOTTOM):
   abd.rc.top = abd.rc.bottom - iHeight

  # Query the system for an approved size and position.
  print "initial abd = " + str(abd)
  PyAppBar.SHAppBarMessage(shellapi.ABM_QUERYPOS, abd)

  # Adjust the rectangle, depending on the edge to which the
  # appbar is anchored.
  if (abd.uEdge == shellapi.ABE_LEFT):
   abd.rc.right = abd.rc.left + iWidth
  elif (abd.uEdge == shellapi.ABE_RIGHT):
   abd.rc.left = abd.rc.right - iWidth
  elif (abd.uEdge == shellapi.ABE_TOP):
   abd.rc.bottom = abd.rc.top + iHeight
  elif (abd.uEdge == shellapi.ABE_BOTTOM):
   abd.rc.top = abd.rc.bottom - iHeight

  #Pass the final bounding rectangle to the system.
  print "final abd = " + str(abd)
  PyAppBar.SHAppBarMessage(shellapi.ABM_SETPOS, abd)
  self.SetDimensions(abd.rc.left, abd.rc.top, abd.rc.right - abd.rc.left,
abd.rc.bottom - abd.rc.top)
  print "done"

class App(wxApp):
 def OnInit(self):
  frame = AppBarFrame()
  return true

if __name__ == '__main__':
 app = App(0)

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