Python Persistant Object Shell

Lucio Torre lucio at
Thu Nov 22 15:51:56 EST 2001


I want to write an aplication that is a python shell plus:
+ a visible tree of the namespace
+ everything is persistant
+ a visual object inspector
+ remote access
+ multi user permissions

its something like zope, but with this differences:
+ meant to be used by an application, not web broser (better ui)
+ much less hassle in 'publishing' objects, all objects get published by 
default using introspection, lists and dicts have special 'morphs'
+ not meant to be a pretty display, more of an excel than a word.

its somehting like te skeak enviroment + morphicWrappers, but with this 
+ its in python :)
+ its distributed (ala lotus notes/groove) [ you can set access control 
lists to you objects, and make your namespace a mix of local and remote 
objects ]
+ has a bit more of structure ( morphs are too diverse, not so easy to 
manage )
+ has a tool for manipalting live objects, not just the inspector, but 
an object browser

it has something of excel and access also. something of self would be nice.

any ideas? comments? similar proyects you know of? something to add to 
this loose description? questions?

thanks in advance.


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