Non-Indented python

Chris Barker chrishbarker at
Wed Nov 28 17:19:32 EST 2001

After reading a whole lot of sometimes ugly bickering, it seems to me
that most of us Python users do agree on one thing:

Mixing tabs and spaces is a BAD idea.

If it is true that there is general consensus about this, is there any
movement to disallow it altogether in the Python interpreter?

Personally, I would prefer that future versions of Python would allow
ONLY tabs or ONLY spaces, but clearly there would be a major
disagreement about which to use. Frankly, I wouldn't even care which,
although tabs may be a better choice because while "any decent editor"
can be taught to insert N spaces when a tab key is pressed, apparently
not all editors are "decent". I have found that using tabs for indenting
is the only viable option for me on the Mac, and I have to change to all
spaces when I move code to *nix/Windows, because the editors/IDEs I use
there assume spaces. A real pain. If only one option were mandated by
Python,  any editor that pretended to have a Python mode would use it
(The MacPython IDE comes to mind)


Christopher Barker,
ChrisHBarker at                 ---           ---           --- ---@@       -----@@       -----@@
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Oil Spill Modeling                ------   @    ------   @   ------   @
Water Resources Engineering       -------      ---------     --------    
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