Question: Error or misconcept

Emile van Sebille emile at
Mon Nov 5 08:52:48 EST 2001

"Károly Ladvánszky" <aa at> wrote in message
news:3be69395_1 at
> Thank you for your answer.
> > You've just created a class level shared object a1.
> Ok, but then I'd expect the same behaviour when a1 is a number.
> Try this:
> class c:
>     a1=0

You will shortly create an instance variable a1.  When this happens, you no
longer reach the class variable from instance references.  Test further by
creating a2 at the class level.

>     def f1(self,a):
>         self.a1=a
> Now:
> o1=c()
> o1.f1(99)

you've just set the instance's a1 - not c.a1  (try it!)

> o1.a1 ==> 99
> o2=c()
> o2.a1 ==> 0 ! Shouldn't it reflect the change in the class level object's
> value just like in the case a1 is a list?

No.  But after adding a2 (as per above), try:

o2.a2  # should be as init'd in class c
c.a2 = 2
o2.a2 # s/b 2
o1.a2 # s/b 2

The two places to find instance attributes are in the instance, the class,
and in __bases__ of class.  No wait, that's three... ok... The three places
to find instance attributes are in the instance, the class, in __bases__ of
class, and in the module.  No wait, that's four... ok... The four places to
find instance attributes are in the instance, the class, in __bases__ of
class, in the module, and in builtin.    There! ;-)

Bases-search-order-subject-to-python-release-ly y'rs,


Emile van Sebille
emile at


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