proposed unittest enhancement
John S. Yates, Jr.
john at
Fri Oct 19 16:44:26 EDT 2001
I am new to the Python community and hence unsure of how to
submit proposed changes to the standard distribution. If
posting to this ng is inappropriate please redirect me.
I am using unittest. To support coverage testing I want
to compute large numbers of very similar tests. It is
important that once an error has been detected I be able
to run that single case without the noise of all the other
coverage cases.
My approach is to add test methods to the TestCase during
module initialization. I do this by evaluating a lambda
inside a series of nested for loops and use default para-
meters to effect a closure. Example:
class computedTests( TestCase ):
def doTest( self, i, j ):
print "i=%s, j=%s" % (i, j)
for i in range(3):
for j in range(2):
setattr( computedTests, \
"test_%s_%s" % (i, j), \
lambda self, ii=i, jj=j: self.doTest( ii, jj ) )
This works great as long as I am interested in running all
the tests. Once I specify an individual test I stumble on
a "bug" in unittest.TestLoader.loadTestsFromName. When the
type analysis determines that a looked-up attribute is an
UnboundMethodType it assumes that the function object was
introduced by a "def" statement rather than a lambda and
hence that it has a meaningful __name__ attribute:
elif type(obj) == types.UnboundMethodType:
return obj.im_class(obj.__name__)
This assumption is unnecessary since the type analysis was
immediately preceded by a getattr() call in which the name
was passed as an argument:
obj = getattr(obj, part)
I suggest this small change to the UnboundMethodType case:
elif type(obj) == types.UnboundMethodType:
return obj.im_class(part)
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