__getatr__ question
jkring at calbay.com
Wed Oct 3 13:54:26 EDT 2001
The following code is used to create a class. If I make an instance
of the class called "k", then calling k.func1(23) will print
"k.func1(23)", and calling k.func2() will print "k.func2()" and return
12. The problem occurs when I nest the functions like this:
k.func1(k.func2()). This prints "k.func2()", "k.func2(12)" when I
really want it to print "k.func2()", "k.func1(12)". It gets more
interesting when I do something like k.func1(k.func2() + k.func3()).
This results in a printout of "k.func2()", "k.func3()", "k.func2(12)".
What's up with this, and it a bug or a feature of python? It seams
like the __getattr__ is not being called/refreshed in the external
function if it is also called inside the function.
Thanks for any help
****** Code *******
class klass:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __getattr__(self, a):
self.string = a
def __repr__(self):
return ''
def nop(self, a = None):
if (a == None):
print self.name + '.' + self.string + '()'
return 12
print self.name + '.' + self.string + '(' + str(a) + ')'
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