hashval and Numpy

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Fri Oct 19 06:18:43 EDT 2001

Uwe Schmitt <uwe at rocksport.de> writes:

> Michael Hudson <mwh at python.net> wrote:
> | Indeed, the OP was complaining that Numeric.array *didn't* define a
> | hash function... (and then snipped out the bit of my post where I said
> | I was making it up).
> ups. what did i snip out ? i only received your virtual session...

You snipped the bit that said "Consider this made up session...".

Don't worry, it's Guido's fault for not reading all the thread <wink>.


  : Giant screaming pieces of excrement, they are.
  I have a feeling that some of the people in here have a 
  MUCH more exciting time relieving themselves than I do.
                                       -- Mike Sphar & Dave Brown, asr

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