John S. Yates, Jr.
john at
Wed Oct 10 14:57:33 EDT 2001
On 10 Oct 2001 04:14:48 -0700, hugomartires at (Hugo Martires) wrote:
>My server need to send 2 strings separeted:
> s1= 'xxx'
> s2= 'yyy'
>My client must received like this:
> rec1= 'xxx'
> rec2= 'yyy'
>The problem is that the Client received s1 and s2 in one only string.
>How can i received in 2 separeted variables ?
Previous posters have given the "correct" answer
and I agree with them. But a kludgy fix might
be to disable the Nagel algorithm. This involves
putting the socket into no-delay mode. I am very
new to Python, so I don't know how or whether you
can do this but in traditional socket programming
it is definitely an option.
John Yates
40 Pine Street
Needham, MA 02492
781 444-2899
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