Compiling Python2.1.1 on FreeBSD3.5 Problem
Gerrie Roos
gerrie at
Thu Oct 4 02:38:30 EDT 2001
Gerhard Häring wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 03, 2001 at 11:36:05AM +0200, Gerrie Roos wrote:
> > Hi!
> > Hope it's in order to ask such questions here...
> >
> > I downloaded Python-2.1.1.tgz, the latest sources I could find, unpacked
> > the lot on a FreeBSD3.5 machine read all the compiling/installation
> > stuff, etc...then I:
> >
> > - did 'make clobber' just to make sure...
> > - Removed '-ltermcap' from the 'readline' entry in Modules/Setup, as
> > advised in the README. [...]
> Any reason you don't use ./configure ; make ; make install ? This
> normally is all that is necessary to install Python on Unix.
I tried that right at the very beginning, but since I had problems with the
curses module I followed the instructions in the README. 'make clobber' I used
instead of 'make clean' between unsuccessful builds, since its more thorough.
The rest is the same.
> (Btw. the errors you got were in the curses module. You normally don't
> need this module.)
I think if all else fails I will just ignore the curses module, since everything
else seemed to compile ok.
> Or: Python 2.1 is in the FreeBSD ports collection. Maybe even 2.1.1,
> haven't checked for some time. I used that on FreeBSD 4.2. Perhaps
> the port works on the older 3.5, too.
I've actually installed the 2.1.1 package, but I've been having problems getting
mySQLclient/pyMySQL working with it ok, and I suspect it might be because the
package caters for FBSD >= 4.0. So I opted to compile natively to see if it
solves any of my other problems.
Thanks in any case, maybe I've got more luck today...
> Gerhard
> --
> mail: gerhard <at> bigfoot <dot> de registered Linux user #64239
> web: OpenPGP public key id 86AB43C0
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> reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda x:chr(ord(x)^42),tuple('zS^BED\nX_FOY\x0b')))
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