Octonians in Python

David Feustel dfeustel at mindspring.com
Sat Oct 6 17:53:11 EDT 2001

Boost.org is a Find! Thanks!

"Andrew Dalke" <dalke at dalkescientific.com> wrote in message news:9pnfvm$uct$1 at slb2.atl.mindspring.net...
> David Feustel:
> >Failure to find an instance does not imply that
> >such an instance does not exist, although many
> >such failures should probably give one pause.
> What failure?  I just did a search for "octonians python"
> and google replied "Did you mean: octonions python".
> The first hit from that search showed that Boost, a
> C++ library with Python bindings, supports octonions.
> Though I don't know enough about Boost to know if this
> is useful, I have heard others say good things about the
> package.  Figure out for yourself at
>   http://www.boost.org/
>                     Andrew
>                     dalke at dalkescientific.com

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