Conditional Expressions don't solve the problem

Steve Holden sholden at
Thu Oct 18 20:29:58 EDT 2001

"Carl Banks" <idot at> wrote ...
> Paul Rubin <phr-n2001d at> wrote:
> >
> > But it's not just saving keystrokes--the usual place for an assigment
> > in an expression is in the control expression for a while loop.
> > Having to split it into several statements clutters up the code and
> > makes the readability WORSE by moving the test condition away from the
> > 'while' keyword.  Do you REALLY find
> >
> >     while (line := file.readline()) != 'end':
> >         process_line(line)
> >
> > to be less readable than
> >
> >     while 1:
> >        line = file.readline
> >        if line == 'end': break
> >        process_line (line)
> >
> > (or worse, imagine several nested loops like that)?  I don't.
> I do.
> I find assignment within an expression to be contrived and opaque.  I
> would be surprised if there were many of your opinion who weren't
> numbed down to it by years of exposure to C.
Well, it isn't just C. Some readers of this list remember the Icon language,
in which (unlike Python) pretty much everything was an expression: iterative
constructs had as their value the value of the last expression evaluated
inside, for example. In fact Icon is much more expression-oriented than C.
But I don't feel "numbed" by my exposure to it...

The real point here is that Python is, *by design choice*, not an
expression-oriented language. I suspect this is why attempts to retrofit
assignments into while seem so artificial.

Until someone proposes something that seems like a natural fit with the
Python we already have (which, IMHO, constructs using semicolons do not), I
don't think there's enough reason to change.


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