question on using format in struct module

Suresh mj_dup at
Thu Oct 25 10:17:00 EDT 2001


Thanks for your suggestions ! Here is the snippet of code which writes
the binary file. Can you help me out specifying what the format would
be in this case for struct module ?

Chris Barker <chrishbarker at> wrote in message 
> If you still can't figure this out, send us some information about the
> file (maybe a snippet of the code that wrote it), or ask the person who
> wrote the code that created the file to help you with the format
> string(s).


// Write the magic number which are integer.
      // MAGIC_NUMBER_2X - Plan parameters, inspected/accepted status
      // MAGIC_NUMBER_30 (this is an integer) - Extends 2X by storing
      // prescription parameters
      // 			and the dose engine settings
      // ---------------------------------------------------------------
      (void)fwrite(MAGIC_NUMBER_30, MAGIC_NUMBER_SIZE, 1, fo);     
//--- write out the magic number
      // In the old Rplan we wrote out the plan description here,
      // but I don't write out anything b/c we don't have a 
      // description to our plans.
      char description[128];
      sprintf(description,  "Rplan 3.0 Plan file");  
      (void)fwrite(description, sizeof(description), 1, fo);
      // save the centerpoints
      (void)fwrite(&centerpts, sizeof(int), 1, fo);
      for (i = 0; i < centerpts; i++)
	  currIsocPnt = getIsocPnt(i);
	  (void)fwrite(&(currIsocPnt.y()), sizeof(float), 1, fo);
	  (void)fwrite(&(currIsocPnt.x()), sizeof(float), 1, fo);
	  (void)fwrite(&(currIsocPnt.z()), sizeof(float), 1, fo);
      // save the Cum Arcs
      (void)fwrite(&cumArcs, sizeof(int), 1, fo);


Since number of CenterPoints vary for each input data given to the
software and this value being not fixed, I am unable to decide upon
how many floats should I provide to the "format" variable in struct
module ? I should find out if there is any dynamic way of telling
python code.

Thank you,

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