Method returns self?

Roy Smith roy at
Fri Oct 19 07:50:51 EDT 2001

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ignacio at> wrote:
> Another thing you could do, if you plan to have more than one possible format,
> is to have myParser.parse() do the verification of the data and return a
> myData1, myData2, etc. object depending on the format.

Actually, I do that already.  The data class has several subclasses, and 
the parser returns the right one.  Each data subclass would have its own 
verify() method.  Actually, more likely the base data class will also have 
a verify() method, and each subclass's verify() will call data.verify(), 
then do its own additional checking.

Another problem I have is that I'm in a running argument with a coworker 
about what's syntax (i.e. should be checked in the parser) and what's 
semantics (and should be checked in data.verify()), but that's a problem 
we'll have to solve on our own :-)

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