silly idea - interesting problem

Steve Holden sholden at
Sun Oct 21 11:46:31 EDT 2001

"scott" <smarsh at> wrote ...
[ ... handles nit-picks ...]
> Since we are nit-picking, the spaces are actually between each letter
> ;-)
> The point I was trying to make was that spraying a new Python user with
> marginally readable code might be good for your ego but not much help
> for learning the basics. I admit that if my code actually met the
> requirements my argument would have been a bit more persuasive <my first
> *wink* god help me now> :-)
> Here is the (as specified) no space version:
> firstWord = 'test'
> secondWord = 'dust'
> endString = ''
> i = 0
> while i < len(firstWord):
>     endString = endString + firstWord[i] + secondWord[i]
>     i = i+1
> print endString

Surely much simpler and, dare I suggest, rather more pythonic also, to use a
"for" loop? As in:

for i in range(len(firstWord)):
    endString += firstWord[i] + secondWord[i]

Of course one would also ideally perform some tests, such as "if
len(firstWord) != len(secondWord):"

before hand, or at least cope with any exceptions raised by the lack of such
checks under certain circumstances. We'll leave that as an exercise to the
OP, I guess.


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