Termcap/terminfo for Python?

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Thu Oct 18 05:36:22 EDT 2001

Greg Ward <gward at mems-exchange.org> writes:

> On 17 October 2001, Oleg Broytmann said:
> >    curses.tigetflag
> >    curses.tigetnum
> >    curses.tigetstr
> Ahh, thank you.
> >    I don't know which attributes describe width/height of a terminal.
> For the record:
>   curses.tigetnum("cols")
>   curses.tigetnum("lines")

Here's what I do:

def getheightwidth():
    """ getwidth() -> (int, int)

    Return the height and width of the console in characters """
        return int(os.environ["LINES"]), int(os.environ["COLUMNS"])
    except KeyError:
        height, width = struct.unpack(
            "hhhh", ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ ,"\000"*8))[0:2]
        if not height: return 25, 80
        return height, width

Where TIOCGWINSZ lives is an interesting game across Python versions.
It's in termios now.

I should probably look at terminfo too, but that would be the last

I think ncurses' own order of checking goes:

env vars

but I haven't looked at this for a while.


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