fast sub list operations

Robin Becker robin at
Tue Oct 16 09:39:08 EDT 2001

In message <15308.11525.102304.624520 at>, Skip Montanaro
<skip at> writes
>I think most people will point you to NumPy.
>    Robin> ... I don't seem to have an interlace to get back to the original
>    Robin> list format.
>Check out the zip builtin function:
>    >>> zip([1,2,3],[7,8,9])
>    [(1, 7), (2, 8), (3, 9)]

I know about NumPy and like it a lot, but it's a bit heavyweight for
what we need. I also know about zip and apart from there being no unzip
it doesn't join up my list which should look like [1,7,2,8,3,9].
Robin Becker

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