Loop-and-a-half (Re: Curious assignment behaviour)

Michael Abbott Michael at RCP.co.uk
Mon Oct 15 02:34:54 EDT 2001


> I submitted a proposed PEP not long ago, and got a lot of comments. 
> Unfortunately, I didn't see any consensus begin to emerge, at least not 
> one that I could recognize. So I decided I should put it away for a 
> month or so, then come back with a fresh mind to create the version I 
> actually submitted. It's my theory (untested, of course) that this will 
> result in a better initial PEP and thus a better chance of acceptance.

My though on your pre PEP was that it was a discussion document, and not
really a Python extension proposal.  There still seems to be a bit of
argument about the syntax, I can't quite remember where we got to.  I think
we ended with allowing

	if e1: e2 else: e3

to be an expression (I'd prefer to grab 'then' as a keywork, and write

	if e1 then e2 else e3

but the penalty of a keywork is a relatively high hurdle).

Why not reopen the discussion (need a new thread for this!), choose one
syntax only, and write a very short PEP which simply proposes that syntax.

I've forgotten what the options were; I suppose one way to repoen things
would be to re-post your pre PEP.


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