Why not 3.__class__ ?
James_Althoff at i2.com
James_Althoff at i2.com
Fri Oct 12 14:24:08 EDT 2001
Walter Dörwald wrote:
>The only type still missing is module (at least for type checks, I don't
> know what the factory function module should do, and how deriving from
>module would be useful).
Good point.
For now, it seems like three choices are available (for the isinstance
1) the "butt ugly" mechanism,
2) the "type-method spelled backwards" mechanism,
3) the "import types / heavy artillery" mechanism,
(<wink>s throughout)
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>>> import thread as t
>>> isinstance(t, __builtins__.__class__)
>>> isinstance(t, type(__builtins__))
>>> import types
>>> isinstance(t, types.ModuleType)
Don't know if there are any plans/thoughts regarding the addition of a
"module" or "mod" equivalent of "int" (etc.) someday.
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