Python is better than free (was Re: GNU wars again)

Joshua Macy l0819m0v0smfm001 at
Tue Oct 2 23:55:59 EDT 2001

Delaney, Timothy wrote

> However, GPL is *not* extortion. The writer of a piece of code has every
> right to want to protect, control or charge for it.

   Not if you take Stallman (et al's) position seriously.  I agree that 
GPL is not extortion, but that the writer of a piece of code has every 
right to want to protect, control, or charge for it is something that 
Stallman seems to regard as an unfortunate historical accident; the GPL 
is his best attempt to simulate a regime where that isn't true under the 
rules of a regime where it is.
   Even though I've released some of my Python work under the GPL, I'm 
coming around to Tim Peter's way of thinking: just release things into 
the public domain and have done with it.  No worries about enforcing the 
license because no licence.

  "free"-as-in-"free"'ly yrs,


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