
Uwe Schmitt uwe at rocksport.de
Thu Oct 4 09:52:54 EDT 2001


I'm just playing with wxPython and got a problem:
I use a wxTextCtrl-Control and load a text into it.
This works fine until i add an EVT_SIZE-handler:
now the text in tex Text-Control disapears....

Can anybody help me ?

Yours, Uwe

Uwe.Schmitt at num.uni-sb.de      Universität des Saarlandes
phone: +49 (0)681/302-2468     Geb. 36.1, Zi. 4.17, PF 151150
                               D-66041  Saarbrücken
http://www.rocksport.de        http://www.rocksport.de/first_ride.mp3

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