How to call a python function in C++

Andrew Markebo flognat at
Mon Oct 8 03:07:46 EDT 2001

Just a couple of thoughts.. 

Are you trying the code you sent here, or it is an excerpt? I
mean.. ;-) sometimes you static-declare a function in a class in c++
to be able to call it from the outside without an instance.. 

Tried to do extern "C" around the function?? Maybe python is looking
for c-names, not c++-names??


/ clio <wangye1 at> wrote:
| Thank you for your help.
| I did not add the my_set_callback in method table. But now I can not
| access my_callback in python. The error like this:
|  >>> import provapi
| Diffusion Routing Agent: Initializing... Agent ID = 32792
|  >>> def happy(binstr): print binstr
| ...
|  >>> provapi.set_callback(happy)
|  >>> print provapi.my_callback
| Traceback (innermost last):
|    File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
| AttributeError: my_callback
|  >>> print happy
| <function happy at 80d99e8>
|  >>>
| It seems that set_callback doesn't work. But I don't know why?
| Thank you again.
| clio

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