Dictionary from list?

Chris Barker chrishbarker at home.net
Mon Oct 22 13:24:14 EDT 2001

Tim Peters wrote:

> So what should dictionary(x) do?

Personally, I would find:

dict = dictionary(sequence_of_keys, sequence_of_values)

most valuable to me because I have found the need for it enought times
that I have written my own function to do it, and have used it a lot.

If it were:

dict = dictionary(sequence_of_keys_value_pairs)

I could do:

dict = dictionary(zip(sequence_of_keys, sequence_of_values))

So that would be me second choice.

All I can say about:

dictionary([k,v,k,v,k,v]) is 

YECH! (IMHO, of course)


Christopher Barker,
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