Controlling the Opera browser under UNIX

Martin Franklin martin.franklin at
Fri Oct 12 04:16:08 EDT 2001

Jaroslav Gergic wrote:

> The webbrowser module in the Python 2.1 does not
> support the Opera browser directly.

 I think I posted this a few months ago.......  here it is again.

from webbrowser import *
class Opera:
    def _remote(self, action):
        cmd = "opera -remote '%s' >/dev/null 2>&1 &" % (action)
        rc = os.system(cmd)
        if rc:
            import time
            os.system("opera &")
            rc = os.system(cmd)
        return not rc
    def open(self, url, new=0):
        if new:
            self._remote("openURL(%s)" % url)
    def open_new(self, url):
        self._remote("openURL(%s, new-window)" % url)
register("opera", Opera)

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