Python COM for Microsoft Project

Mike Brenner mikeb at
Mon Oct 15 19:00:08 EDT 2001

Has anyone played with Python to control Microsoft Project? 

It is, of course, easy to open a MP file:

from win32com.client import Dispatch
mpApp = Dispatch("MSProject.Application")
mpApp.Visible = 1
mpApp.FileOpen ("C:\Documents and Settings\projectA.mpp") 
	# Warning: works only with absolute file names.

For the next line of code, I would like to resave the file as a tab-delimited file for further processing in Python. Actually, I will build a robot that opens all the MP files and resaves them. 

- Is there a URI to download the objects and methods that are now available? 

- Or is the list of objects somehow hidden inside my Visual Studio or my Microsoft Developer CDs? 

- Or do I need to buy Visual Basic for Applications or some other application to gain access to the objects?

- Is there an upgrade to the COM object browser that comes with Python for Windows?

Mike Brenner

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