Python is better than free (was Re: GNU wars again)

Tim Peters at
Thu Oct 4 20:36:44 EDT 2001

[Steve Holden]
> Nope. If Tim were married, you would write about his and his wife's home
> (assuming they lived together) as the Peters's home. Since (and how
> could it be else) there is only one Tim, you should write about Tim
> Peters' way of thinking.

Well, if there is only one Tim, we should drop the redundant surname and
just say it's Tim's simulation of thinking.

BTW, doesn't this look fishy to you (s/Peters/Holden/)?:

   Nope. If Steve were married, you would write about his and his wife's
   home (assuming they lived together) as the Holden's home.  Since (and
   how could it be else) there is only one Steve, you should write about
   Steve Holden' way of thinking.

When I was about 12, a teacher said Peter's or Peters's was acceptable for
the singular possessive (I stuck with Peters's), and Peterses' for the
plural (I stuck with Peters', and got extra credit later <wink>).

> but-then-i'm-english-so-what-do-i-know-ly y'rs  - steve

You *should* know that America fought a bloody war to get away from your
illogical grammar rules, and it can happen again.

still-confused-about-fingersbreadth-vs-fingerbreadth's-ly y'rs  - tim

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