Python 2.1 with Tix under Windows

Mathias.Palm at Mathias.Palm at
Tue Oct 16 11:26:09 EDT 2001

I currently writing a python application which I need to port to  MS
Windows systems. This application contains a gui which is written using
Tix for most parts of it. Unfortunately, Python 2.1. has no tix library
included contrary to what they say. So I tried to install the Tix
package later on. Because I do not know much about  Windows, I did not
come very far. The installation of an own tcl/tk including tix works


import Tix works fine
root = Tix.Tk() returns
the TclError: Can´t find package Tix

Just copying the tix package into the tcl directory (under Python)
doesn´t work either.

Python 2.2 neither a Tix support build in.

Anybody an idea? Thanks in advance.

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