ODBC access via Python

Jim Abrams jim at publishingresources.com
Thu Oct 11 10:34:37 EDT 2001

vm_usenet at yahoo.com (vm_usenet) wrote in <c09aca51.0110101215.67a074a6

> Hi all! 
> I have recently become a die-hard Python fan, but I can't seem to
> overcome a minor obstacle:
> Can anyone direct me to a good ODBC module/library for python under
> win32?
> I've tried to install mxODBC, but it doesn't work for some reason...

You can use the ADO objects if you wish as well, with the win32 extensions.
from win32com.client import Dispatch
CN = Dispatch("ADODB.Connection")
RS = Dispatch("ADODB.RecordSet")

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