python binary search

Tim Peters at
Sun Oct 28 23:48:59 EST 2001

[Jeff Dunnett]
>>> Duh.  What an idoit I am.  Poor spelling you can tell I am
>>> not an English major or I probably would have picked up on
>>> the ocmment.

[Jeff Dunnett again, beating himself to the jab]
>> That should say comment.

[Timothy Delaney, can't resist]
> I should resist, but I can't.
> So, what is this "it" that you do? (idoit).

I expect Jeff is a philosophy major, since few others know that an "ocmment"
is a cutting comment about Ocmma's Razor.

on-the-other-hand-"idoit"-suggest-a-physics-background-ly y'rs  - tim

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