Stackless Python and Python 2.x

Tim Peters at
Mon Sep 3 20:06:09 EDT 2001

[Paul Rubin]
> OK, I got your response and read PEP 252.  It's impressive.

In that case, you should try reading PEP 255 <wink>.

> But now I'm wondering from the opposite end.  If the regular Python
> implementation puts function call frames on the heap, then what's
> the difference between regular Python and Stackless Python?

The C stack.  The CPython interpreter is written via recursive C calls, and
a Python-level call has both the platform C stack and Python frameobjects in
the mix.  Since Simple Generators always yield to their immediate invoker,
there's never a C stack frame "stuck in the middle" (yielding *returns* from
the internal C-level call).  Stackless Python is a major (yet still
incomplete) reworking of the Python implementation to avoid mixing C-level
calls into Python-level calls.  More detail at:

> I also noticed somewhere that the compiler does something special if
> it sees a yield statement in a block.

I suspect you've got an inappropriate meaning of "block" in mind.  In
Python, a single code block covers, e.g., an entire function.

> What happens if something evals to a yield statement?

eval() refuses to evaluate any statement; it only allows expressions.  exec
handles statements, but a yield is exactly like a return in the sense that
both can only appear in functions -- you'll simply get a SyntaxError if you
try to exec a string that contains a yield or return without an enclosing
def statement also in that string.

>  Worse, what happens if there's a finally clause:
>   x = "yield blah()"
>   try:
>     exec x
>   finally:
>     mumble()

The exec there fails with a SyntaxError (see last paragraph); "exec" isn't a
textual macro substitution gimmick, it executes a complete code block.  It's
impossible to exec a string containing a yield (or return) unless the string
also contains a function enclosing the yield (or return):

>>> from __future__ import generators
>>> def f():
...     exec "yield 1"
>>> f()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in f
  File "<string>", line 1
SyntaxError: 'yield' outside function

More on that here:

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