Proposed PEP for a Conditional Expression

thp at thp at
Sun Sep 16 22:42:38 EDT 2001

thp at wrote:
: James_Althoff at wrote:

: : Marcin Kowalczyk wrote:
: :>    abs = if x>=0 then x else -x
: :>or
: :>    abs = if x>=0: x else: -x
: :>looks more readable than
: :>    abs = cond(x>=0, lambda:x, lambda:-x)
: :>for me.

: : That's a fair opinion.  But you have to admit that the last one beats the
: : heck out of the first two in terms of implementation issues.

: As far as I can tell, it doesn't work if x is a local variable.  Have
: you actually tried it?

Oops!  I failed to note that you were presuming nested scopes.

Tom Payne

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