python.exe/Tkinter hang on exit

Howard Lightstone howard at
Fri Sep 7 01:06:27 EDT 2001

Mike Clarkson wrote:

> (.....cut)
> What version of Tk are you using?

I am using the Tk installed by Python2.0 (which I believe is 8.3)

> >It seems the application is hanging on OLESCELOCKMUTEX during
> >termination, thus leaving a zombie task (which...typically... means I
> >cannot shut Windows down gracefully, if such a thing were possible).
> What diagnostics are you using to detemine that it's a mutex hang?
> Can you tell which thread is hung - a running python.exe has 2 threads
> and loading Tkinter adds I think 3 more threads. The one that is
> steadily consuming CPU is probably the Tk mainloop. Can you tell if
> it's that one, one of the other threads started with Tk, or an
> original Python thread that gets locked?

There are several bugs related listed on the Sourceforge Python bug list:
        #216289 and #453489
For that list, I ran the short test program in #453489 (12 lines, see below)
in both Pythonw and Python executables.
I used Taskinfo2000 to look at internals before/after termination.
Here is the data again:

Handles while running Python.exe (before quit)

|Handle||Type|    |Refs||Name|

4 :     Process      7  PID:FFF50719, C:\PYTHON20\PYTHON.EXE
8 :     Console      3
C :     Screen Buff  3
10 :    Screen Buff  3
18 :    Event        1
1C :    Event        1
20 :    Event        1
24 :    Event        2
28 :    Mutex       19  OLESCMLOCKMUTEX
2C :    Event        1
30 :    Event        1
34 :    Thread       1  ThID:FFF79069, PID:FFF50719,
38 :    Event        1
3C :    Event        2
40 :    Thread       1  ThID:FFF52B8D, PID:FFF50719,
44 :    Event        1
48 :    Event        2
4C :    Thread       1  ThID:FFF53539, PID:FFF50719,
Handles AFTER trying to quit
|Handle||Type|    |Refs||Name|

4 :     Process      4  PID:FFF50719, C:\PYTHON20\PYTHON.EXE
8 :     Console      3
C :     Screen Buff  3
10 :    Screen Buff  3
18 :    Event        1
1C :    Event        1
20 :    Event        1
24 :    Event        1
28 :    Mutex       19  OLESCMLOCKMUTEX
2C :    Event        1
30 :    Event        1
34 :    Thread       1
38 :    Event        1
3C :    Event        1
40 :    Thread       2  ThID:FFF52B8D, PID:FFF50719,

I *may* have been overeager to blame the ole mutex since there is also a
thread hanging.

> >I am assuming that some win32 thingey is not being called by the Tkinter
> >task temination logic,  BUT,  using pythonw.exe, termination ALWAYS
> >works correctly.  (I am using Python 2.0)
> Can you post the Python code that your application uses to exit,
> including any wm_protocol calls you make to bind the x.

There is no special logic.  Tkinter (if nothing else is assigned) binds to
the  WM_DELETE_WINDOW message.

# bug 453489
from Tkinter import *
import sys

def foo():
    print 'foo'
    print 'bar'

Button(root, text='Quit', command=root.quit).pack()
root.after(5000, foo)

> >Any clues?  I haven't tried to take apart my apps and see which imports
> >do it
> >(but Pmw looks like just a wrapper) .
> It's a tough one, and it would be good to nail this one down.
> Mike.

I have been forced to put LOTS of print messages into my code, use some
methods to send  sys.stdout/sys.syserr messages to a window, curse mightily,
and run pythonw only.....

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