Python for SysAdmins

David Cinege dcinege at
Mon Sep 24 02:03:54 EDT 2001

On Sunday 23 September 2001 1:04, A.A wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm contemplating writing a (python) module that contains functions
> necessary for common system administration tasks. With regards to
> SysAdmin tasks, I feel that Python, while promising, has not been pushed
> enough.
> Does such a module sound realistic ? Would it be of real use ?

Hmm probably not, as very few sys admin tasks fit inside of any type
generic scope.

What would be nice. (And I have long term plans to write it if no one else 
does) is a python based interactive shell that can be used as a bourne shell 

This would allow a simple 'PyShell' programming contruct 'parser' more suited 
to many admin tasks. IE:


PATH = '$PATH:./'

print $hi
/bin/echo $hi

for $c in py.string.split($hi):
	print $c,

mail -s $hi dcinege at </dev/null
Remember to envision this all working right at a commandline.

I don't think it will be too hard or time consuming to write.
I have a use for it in a much large project I'm working on.

If this intertests you, contact me in private so we can kick
it around.


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