bsddb3 vs zodb

Andrew Dalke dalke at
Fri Sep 21 03:50:20 EDT 2001

Markus Schaber wrote:
> Errm - He wanted _two programs_ accessing the same ZODB, not
> _two ZODBs_ accessed by one program.

Ooops!  Yes, you're right - I misread things to be more
related to what I was interested in, which was support for
multiple ZODBs from the same process.  If I try to open
a FileStorage a second time while the first is still open,
under NT I get an access error.

To address this thread, I would use Sleepycat's BerkeleyDB for
the needed logging, unless you have complex data structures.
Complex is defined as "need more than what pickle.loads/dumps
let you do."  (Like modification to only portions of the
data, caching, and relationships between different entries.)

BSDDB3 allows multiple readers and multiple writers.

                    dalke at

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