
John Hunter jdhunter at
Mon Sep 10 12:42:46 EDT 2001

Here is a simple class to systematically investigate a cross product
space, which you might normally do with a series nested for loops.  I
suspect that there is an existing way to do this, but sometimes its
easier to roll your own that find the right package.  Please point me
to the light if there is an existing way to do this I should be aware

CrossProductSweeper sweeps all points in the cross product space of the
lists in the initialization list


p = CrossProductSweeper( ( (1,2,3,4), (5,6), (7,8,9,10) ) )
   pars =

is equivalent to the nested for loops

for x in (1,2,3,4):
   for y in (5,6):
      for z in (7,8,9,10):
         pars = (x,y,z)

CrossProductSweeper also contains the method is_end_of_loop(i) which,
when invoked after a call to 'next' will return true if the point in
cross product space corresponds to the end of i-th loop had the space
been investigated using nested loops.

for x in (1,2,3,4):
   for y in (5,6):
      for z in (7,8,9,10):
         pars = (x,y,z)
      print 'Just finished y'

is equivalent to:

p = CrossProductSweeper( ( (1,2,3,4), (5,6), (7,8,9,10) ) )
   pars =
   if p.is_end_of_loop(1):
      print 'Just finished y'

CrossProductSweeper provides the following methods:

  __init__( list_of_lists )
  get_count - the number of points investigated so far
  get_ith_length(i) - the number of points on the i-th dimension  
  get_num_dimensions - the dimension of the cross product space
  get_total - the number of points in the cross product space
  is_end_of_loop(i) - true if the last point occurs at
       the end of iterator 'i'
  more - True if there are uninvestigated points in cross-product space
  next - Return the next uninvestigated point and increment
       the iterators

"""CrossProductSweeper sweeps all points in the cross product space of the
lists in the initialization list


p = CrossProductSweeper( ( (1,2,3,4), (5,6), (7,8,9,10) ) )
   pars =

is equivalent to the nested for loops

for x in (1,2,3,4):
   for y in (5,6):
      for z in (7,8,9,10):
         pars = (x,y,z)

CrossProductSweeper also contains the method is_end_of_loop(i) which,
when invoked after a call to 'next' will return true if the point in
cross product space corresponds to the end of i-th loop had the space
been investigated using nested loops.

for x in (1,2,3,4):
   for y in (5,6):
      for z in (7,8,9,10):
         pars = (x,y,z)
      print 'Just finished y'

is equivalent to:

p = CrossProductSweeper( ( (1,2,3,4), (5,6), (7,8,9,10) ) )
   pars =
   if p.is_end_of_loop(1):
      print 'Just finished y'

CrossProductSweeper provides the following methods:

  __init__( list_of_lists )
  get_count - the number of points investigated so far
  get_ith_length(i) - the number of points on the i-th dimension  
  get_num_dimensions - the dimension of the cross product space
  get_total - the number of points in the cross product space
  is_end_of_loop(i) - true if the last point occurs at
       the end of iterator 'i'
  more - True if there are uninvestigated points in cross-product space
  next - Return the next uninvestigated point and increment
       the iterators


class CrossProductSweeper:
    def __init__(self, p):
        self.__allPars = p
        self.__numPars = []
        self.__dimensions = len(p)
        self.__iter = []
        self.__is_end_of_loop = []
        self.__total = 1
        self.__cnt = 0
        for pars in p:
            self.__numPars.append( len(pars) )
            self.__iter.append( 0 )
            self.__total = self.__total * len(pars)
    def more(self):
        """True if there remain uninvestigated points in the cross-product
        return self.__cnt < self.__total
    def is_end_of_loop(self,i):
        """This returns true if the last point of cross-product space
        investigated would have occurred at the end if the i-th 'for
        loop' had the same space been investigated with nested for
        loops in order of the initialization list"""
        return self.__is_end_of_loop[i]
    def get_count(self):
        """Return the number of points of the cross product space
        investigated so far""" 
        return self.__cnt

    def get_total(self):
        """Return the total number of points in the cross product space"""
        return self.__total

    def get_num_dimensions(self):
        """Return the number of dimensions of the cross product space"""
        return self.__dimensions
    def get_ith_length(self, i):
        """Return the number of points in the ith dimension of the
        cross-product space"""
        return self.__numPars[i]
    def next(self):
        """Return the current point in cross product space and
        increment the iterators"""
        pars = []
        for (thisPars, i) in map(None, self.__allPars, self.__iter):
            pars.append( thisPars[i] )
        if self.more():
            self.__increment_iter( self.__dimensions-1 )
            self.__cnt = self.__cnt + 1
        return pars
    def __increment_iter(self, dim):
        for i in range( self.__dimensions ):
        if (self.__iter[dim] < self.__numPars[dim]-1):
            self.__iter[dim] = self.__iter[dim] + 1
            self.__iter[dim] = 0
            self.__is_end_of_loop[dim] = 1


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