Python on OSX

Steven Burr sburr at
Sat Sep 15 00:41:39 EDT 2001

In article <mailman.1000429096.11955.python-list at>, Brian
Quinlan <BrianQ at> wrote:

>  > Are there any "gotchas" when compiling Python on OSX? Is
> > there a how-to someplace?
> Read the README file that comes with the Python source/cvs. There are
> a few switches that you have to pass explicitly to autoconf but other
> than that everything works fine.

There are also two alternatives to compiling Python yourself.  From the
MacPython page there is a link to a precompiled version.  

Or you can try "fink," a very nifty program that automates downloading,
compiling and installing an ever-expanding list of open source Unix and
X Windows applications for Mac OS X.   It
installs Python 2.1 by default, but will install the latest alpha or
beta of 2.2 if you follow the instructions for installing the
"unstable" version (truly a misnomer in the case of 2.2).  It includes
two different versions of each:  one for those who have installed X
Windows and want to run Tkinter programs and another for those who

Before fink came out with a 2.2a3 package, I was compiling Python for
OSX myself in order to build in Tkinter and command-line history
support.  Although it's not that hard if you follow the instructions in
the README, fink makes it a snap, or at least did for me.

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