stdin broken on Win2K?

Tim Peters at
Fri Sep 28 20:12:31 EDT 2001

[Dale Strickland-Clark]
> This:
> #
> # Copy stdin to stdout
> import sys
> l = sys.stdin.readline()
> while l:
> 	print l,
> 	l = sys.stdin.readline()
> doesn' work from the Win2K command prompt in either of the following
> cases:
> stdintest <source.txt
> type source.txt | stdintest
> However, if you don't redirect stdin, it will happily reflect console
> input to the console.

Try these instead:

python <source.txt
type source.txt | python

If those work for you, complain to Microsoft about cmd.exe (the default
Win2K shell), or buy a commercial shell, or install Cygwin and use the
bundled bash shell.

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