COM-support for Variant-Typ VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT

Sven Burk sven.burk at
Tue Sep 25 12:07:25 EDT 2001

I try to get data from a database frontend via Python in
using the following function of the API. I used makepy to ensure
early binding.

   stat = self.QMFWin.FetchNextRow(QueryID, result)

The variable result is of the above type. I have to initialize this variable.
I always get the error message:

stat =  self.QMFWin.FetchNextRow(QueryID, result)
  File "<COMObject QMFWin.Interface.2>", line 2, in FetchNextRow
com_error: (-2147352571, 'Typenkonflikt.', None, 2)

How must I initialize the variable result?

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