Stackless Python and Python 2.x

Skip Montanaro skip at
Wed Sep 5 10:27:27 EDT 2001

    Michael> How does the Python interpreter maintain the state of a
    Michael> generator during calls to yield?  Evidently the entire state
    Michael> has to be restored from wherever it's being kept and plonked
    Michael> back onto the current stack.

I believe simple generators can only yield back to their caller, so all
that's necessary (in my simple-minded view of things) is to retain a
reference to the stack frame when yield is executed and not reinitialize the
stack frame the next time the generator is called.

    Michael> Perhaps this is a slightly stupid question, but it's more
    Michael> interesting than the other "What part of ... do you not
    Michael> understand?" stuff.


Skip Montanaro (skip at

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