A simply newbie question about ndiff

Neville Franks nospam-readonly at getsoft.com
Sun Apr 21 18:27:36 EDT 2002

Hi, I've just started trying to do some simple things with Python. I've read
the Tutorial and other Doc's but I'm missing something obvious somewhere.

All I want to do right now is run Tim Peter's ndiff program on some files
and see it's output. I'm using Pyton 2.1.2 Jan 15 2002 on Windows XP using
the Python command line.

I enter 'import difflib' which I assume is necessary and get no complaints.
Then if I type 'ndiff' I get: NameError: name 'ndiff' is not defined. If I
type: 'ndiff file1 file2' I get: SyntaxError: invalid systax.

I've also tried:
>>> s = SequenceMatcher( None, "abcd", "bcde" )
and I get:
NameError: name 'SequenceMatcher' is not defined.

Thanks for your help with these most basic of questions.

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