Simulating multi-dim array problem - OR - reference confusions

holger krekel pyth at
Wed Apr 17 12:09:58 EDT 2002

> > means that the "name 'b' is bound to 'a[0]'". Internally
> > the reference count of the object a[0] is incremented.
> >
> Well, newbies might avoid mis-perceptions by reading the Python as "name 'b'
> is bound to the object currently bound to 'a[0]'", to avoid any belief that
> anything in a changes as a result of the assignment. In strict terms, a[0]
> doesn't *have* a reference count, as far as I can tell without reading the
> interpreter code, though both a and the object bound to a[0] will have a
> reference count.

ok, so  

- 'a' is a name bound to a list object. 

- 'b=a[0]' binds 'b' to the object that 'a[0]' returns

  (because 'a[0]' is actually a method-call to the list object
   returning (a reference to) the first object of the list)

No matter how the reference counts actually work, 
'b' is a name. And this name is bound to an object.
by issueing 'b=...' you don't change this object but just the

The best way to explore this is the prompt. by issueing

>>> locals()

you get the local name bindings. I must say that i
*extremly* appreciate that for all variables,
modules, packages, classes, functions etc ... you have
means of binding a name to these objects. 

sorry if this was redundant and everyone knew this :-)


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