Deprecate input()

Ian Bicking ianb at
Mon Apr 15 14:58:11 EDT 2002

On Mon, 2002-04-15 at 06:35, Magnus Lie Hetland wrote:
> But (in the (very?) long run) I think that the name "input" should
> then be used for what is now raw_input. I know -- breakage, and all
> that... I just think it fairly odd to have *only* raw_input, since the
> "raw" qualification then becomes fairly meaningless.

Why not just make input into what it should be, a moderately-evaluating
raw_input... like:

def input(prompt=''):
    val = raw_input(prompt)
    for converter in [int, float, complex]:
            return converter(val)
        except ValueError:
    return val

Of course, it gets more complex if you allow lists, dictionaries, and
tuples... which you probably should.  But that's certainly doable while
still being safe.


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