PEP 287: reStructuredText Standard Docstring Format

Richard Jones rjones at
Tue Apr 2 21:05:05 EST 2002

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 11:53, Peter Hansen wrote:
> I would suggest an even shorter version of the quickref, focused on
> only those items needed in 80% of embedded documentation.  It does
> _look_ complicated at first.

I agree - I think the quickref definitely needs:

1. reorganising to filter the most common, simple markup to the top, and
2. much higher status/metioning on the ReST website.

> [snip discussion of more complex documentation and appropriate formats]
> But why would anyone want to embed such complex documentation?

As mentioned in another response, I'm actually using ReST to document Roundup 
outside of the code modules. I fully expect that one day (when platypus is up 
to it) to be able to produce PDF documentation from the ReST source. That'll 
be _neat_ :)

Of course, if you want to get really complicated, Frame/DocBook is the only 
way to go :)

I already write my slide presentations using ReST - it's converted to 
PythonPoint XML and from there to PDF. Very nice, and as simple as can be :)


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