Third Draft: Pep for Deprecating Builtins

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry shalehperry at
Mon Apr 29 15:34:12 EDT 2002

>> >From the comments, I've learned:
>> 5.  oct() is another candidate based on the rarity of usage
> Candidate perhaps but some people still like Octal.
> This still is a gratuitious change and thus should not be implemented.
> If it ain't really broke, you shouldn't fix it.

here here!

>> 7. the language needs some means of deprecating so that clutter
>>     does accumulate.  that means needs to be well documented,
>>     have a long, slow phase-in, and have a mechasism for
>>     restoring old behavior if it is ever needed.
> Making it easier to phase changes in and out makes things easier only
> for the most active Python users.  Changes themselves are hard on the
> user base generally.  Furthermore, having a language where things like
> base functionality routinely changes significantly from release to
> release seems a Bad Thing.
> Picture the poor newbie sitting down with his O'Reilly book, having just
> installed 2.3 or 2.4 and can't figure out why some of the examples no
> longer work.  O'Reilly has how many thousands of these books in the
> pipeline?  I'm sure they're not anxious to issue a revised edition.
> Steve Holden barely had time to get get the 2.1 appendix in his book.
> This is not helping ANYBODY.
> I frankly think it's ALARMING that people are becomming comfortable with
> the notion that you can't interpret the meaning of programs without (a)
> being up to date on how things change from release to release and (b)
> paying close attention to the declarations or (super ugh) command
> switches that might override defaults.  This is a much greater burden
> than simply learning any particular version of the language.  It's a
> moving target.  Of course users don't have to upgrade to each new
> release and generally only use one version at a time.  But in trying to
> use other people's code you're likely to encounter anything from old to
> new, so you have the problem whether you want it or not.  Unless you
> hide in your hole and only use code you write yourself.

The problem is compounded when you are not in control of the python on the
system.  Imaging CGIs broken when the person's ISP decides to upgrade their
machines to a new OS rev which has a new python.

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