Python vs. Perl, which is better to learn?

Richard Jones rjones at
Tue Apr 30 01:37:48 EDT 2002

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 15:11, David wrote:
> I have a lot of experience in ANSI C/C++, I want to learn a new
> language and which it can help me in the work.
> I just want to clear which(python or perl) is more comfort for me?

Perl will have more familiar things:
 . braces for block delimitation
 . distinction between pointers and values
 . semicolon statement endings

Python, on the other hand, throws these annoying language burdens out the 
window (in python, indentation delimits blocks, the parser is smart enough to 
know when a statement finishes and all variables are references to values). 
It does have a large amount of familarity for the C programmer - some of the 
syntax is similar, a large amount of the OS libraries look like their C 
equivalents, but with all the housekeeping done for you.

I understand that Python's easier to extend in C (having done some myself, I 
know it's really simple) and C++.

Python is also much, much easier to learn than Perl. Nuff said, really.


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