non-blocking sockets

Donn Cave donn at
Tue Apr 23 12:47:03 EDT 2002

Quoth Michael Gilfix <mgilfix at>:
|   You need to use the select module to poll the socket. The select
| module allows you to specify how long you want your timeout (in this
| case, you probably want a timeout of 0, which is simply a poll) and
| the module tells you which sockets are waiting for reading/writing.
|   import select
|   read_sock = <my readable socket>
|   w_ready, r_ready, e_ready = ([ ], [ read_sock ], [ ], 0)
|   if read_sock in r_ready:
|     # Process socket
|   ... will probably do what you want.

Yes - and then, we might add, you don't need to make the
socket non-blocking.

	Donn Cave, donn at

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